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Do you remember your first kiss?
Do you remember your first kiss?

Friday, 2 February 2018

Plastic Man 1 (1966)

Plastic Man #1 (1966) was, for me, the best cover of the silver-age. Sure, I know that Plastic Man debuted in the '40s, and that Jack Cole was a fantastic artist. Sadly, for both Jack and myself, I wasn't around then and so missed the birth of this iconic superhero. However, when Gil Kane drew his version of the DC revived Plas, I was an eager young comic-devourer and I loved this comic. I loved Plas's attitude above all else - his cynicism appealed to me even at my pre-pubescent age.  I loved the cover, I loved issue 1, and I loved issues 2 to 10. 
One thing I never got - why did Plas say, on the cover "You'll never know, commissioner, whom I ran into!"    Why did he not say "You'll never guess, commissioner, whom I ran into!" Surely that would've made more sense! 
Notwithstanding that, here it is in all its 3 megapixel glory - Plastic Man #1.