Am I the only one around here who thinks it’s wrong that Ed Miliband and his partner have just given birth to a baby without being married? The news makes no mention of the fact that they are are unmarried nor that it might be morally wrong to give birth to children outside wedlock. I know of no Prime Ministers that fathered (or mothered) legitimate children without being married to their partner. Has this kind of behaviour now become acceptable?
I know it’s quite normal these days for the chavs to have children without giving a second thought to marrying the father of the child, but I would have thought that, even in this day and age, respectable members of the community would be trying to set a good example to the chavs and be married before embarking on having a family. Certainly most senior members of the three main political parties seem to subscribe to this view; I don’t recall Mr Cameron, Mr Blair, or Mr Brown, all of whom have recently had children, saying in any way shape or form that they thought it was a good idea to father children outside wedlock. Indeed, all three seem to be very happily married. What kind of message does Mr Miliband wish to convey to his new son? That it’s ok not to enter into a lifetime commitment with the boy’s mother – that it all might be a “here today gone tomorrow” arrangement?
I think it’s wrong and that we should campaign for Mr Miliband to take the logical, and, most would say, normal step of marrying his partner. Does the word "bastard" no longer carry any overtones? What do you think?
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